Juliana Kipgen: English Language Assistant 2023-24

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A thank-you message

Hello everyone, 

Stopping by to once again thank everyone at Saavedra for the fantastic school year I had with you. 

Being a language assistant was a great experience where I was able to meet not only incredible teachers but also the kindest and most welcoming people.  

It was wonderful to see how the bilingual students are able to follow, learn and communicate in English.  The highly qualified teachers teach classes in English and this means that students can acquire the knowledge of different structures and vocabulary of the Anglo-Saxon language, not only in English classes, but also in subjects such as biology, technology, maths, P.e. music, etc.  

I hope that the enthusiasm and desire to learn continues to be part of the routine of this highschool that seeks an education par excellence, which is the Saavedra’s brand. 

I wish you all an unforgettable summer!  

A big hug.  

Juliana Kipgen, 

(Language assistant 2023/2024)

One thought on “Juliana Kipgen: English Language Assistant 2023-24

    mateomoyamurciaeducaes said:
    14 June, 2024 at 10:23 am

    Thanks to you, Juliana. It has been a great pleasure to have you here. Have a nice summer, and see you next academic year (we hope so!!).


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